Sunday, February 28, 2010

exceprt from "Families Under Fire" by Marlene WIlliams

What are the benefits from the journey? As I have spoken with other parents who have gone through this experience and as I reflect on my own experience in raising a disabled child, I have realized there are many benefits from the journey. Some of those benefits include:
1) Having felt sorrow, one can experience greater joy.
2) Learning how to both give and receive help and comfort in relationships
3) Learning to be more real and honest with others.
4) Learning to trust your own heart; to have faith in yourself
5) Learning to have a deeper and more accurate understanding of the purposes of mortal
6) Having an increased capacity for compassion and empathy
7) Understanding the differences between good and evil.
8) Learning to reach beyond the limits of your own needs and desires and discover that
you can love another with a pure Christ-like love.
9) Learning to trust in an ultimate restoration of all things through the Atonement of Jesus Christ.
10) Experiencing God’s personal love for you.